Anyone can fundraise.

We offer accessible, online fundraising classes to help small teams learn simple and effective ways to grow revenue and build donor relationships. No matter where you are in the journey, you’ll pick up practical tools!

  • Are you an experienced fundraiser? You will deepen your expertise and learn from real donor stories.
  • New to fundraising? You will build foundational skills and confidence.
  • Just volunteering? Board members build powerful peer-to-peer relationships that nonprofit staff cannot. If you can talk to someone, you can fundraise. You’ll learn how to connect with donors in a way that feels easy and enjoyable.
  • A wheel and spoke image showing the topics discussed in class (and also described below) next to a photo of Melanie smiling
  • photo of Melanie smiling from the side, with a description of the class content as outlined below

Melanie teaches for nonprofit boards and staff, community college and continuing education, and individual groups who what to do better fundraising. Let her know how she can support you. Classes include unlimited participants.

Schedule your class.

Whether you’re a nonprofit professional, volunteer, board member, or aspiring fundraiser, joining one of our live online classes will guide you on the simplest path to successful fundraising. Register for one of our three online classes, with the option to bring along up to two additional members of your team: Fundraising for Small Nonprofits (FREE!), A Map to Successful Grantwriting, and Grow Donors & Major Gifts. Growth starts here!

Learn more about your teacher, Melanie Hamburger.

Prefer to stream? Watch classes on your own time here.

You may have seen Melanie’s teaching at…

We’re proud to have partnered with these continuing education and workforce development programs.